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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Random facts

Mmk. Just a few random facts about me, to help you get to know me better. Or... Maybe you already know these things. Haha.
Im spontaneous. I like to have a flexible schedule. If things aren't set in stone, then my world doesn't suddenly come to a screeching halt if plans fall through the cracks. Some call it care-free.. But that makes me sound like a hippie. IM NOT A HIPPIE. Maybe call it... Um. Free-of-care. Or um.... I dont know.
I like to read. But the book has to really capture my interest. If I get bored with it, I usually will put it down and never read it again. I like fantasy stories. Im not completely sure why, but I think it has something to do with my longing for adventure. I enjoy the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini, boy genius. Eregon, Eldest, and Brisingr are very well written. Although, I have to add, the series got darker as it went on. Im still looking forward to the final (I hope) installment of the (intended) trilogy. My favorite of all time fantasy series would have to be Narnia. Extremely well written series by the great C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia are a must read for anyone. Each book uncovers more hidden truths, through chains of events and new characters, and, of course, adventures!!! The conclusion of the series in book seven, The Final Battle, was a rather tough read. For those who enjoyed the series as I have, you may know what I mean. It seemed so hopeless at times that I didn't even want to finish the book. But the ending was phenomenal. So if you are stuck in the doldrums of book seven, keep reading!! For an easterly wind is blowing, and it will propel you to an unforeseen amazing destination.
Okay! Whew, that was a long paragraph. I am the same way with movies. It has to be good. And it has to make me think... Unless it is a comedy, but thats beside the point. A good movie, to me, is one that can hold my interest, keep me guessing, and be real. If its not believable, within its own parameters, I can't handle it. Also, movies that sugarcoat reality, or movies with frivolous killing. This description probably leaves you more confused than before, alas I apologize. Talk to me about a good movie someday, and you will understand. Haha.
I like sports. In fact, I just got done playing volleyball. I was on the floor more than I was on my feet. Ask Micah!! I like to dive. My favorite all-time sport is hockey. I started playing when I was five. It's an expensive sport, however, and I couldn't continue. I played street hockey as much as possible growing up. Long summer days were spent honing my skills in the driveway. Good memories of my childhood friend Jason flood back when I think of those days... Anyway, I used to dream about playing hockey with a team. When I came back from college, I did a little research and found a roller hockey league in Rochester. I joined and played for a summer. This past winter, I discovered pick-up hockey in Canandaigua, and I learned to play on ice for the first time since I was five. Talk about a dream come true!! There is no better feeling than releasing a quick wrist shot that finds the back of the net.
I like to play my guitar. I like to sing. I guess you could say I just plain like music. I can play the piano too, and the tin whistle. Or a least I try to play the tin whistle. Lol. Some of my favorite bands are: Relient K, Pink Floyd, Petra, and... well after that it is more about favorite songs. I enjoy a wide variety of music, mostly rock, but also the occasional country or rap song. I could listen to Irish folk music all day long. I think. I have never actually tried doing that.... But my favorite genre is probably classic rock. CCR, Yes, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Crosby Stills and Nash, Neil Young, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Jim Croce, Jimi Hendrix, Foreigner, ELO, Rush, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkle, America, The Birds, The Who, The Eagles, The Guess Who, Paul McCartney and Wings, Heart, Fleetwood Mac.... The list could continue... Im just tired of thinkin of all these names!!! To me, this is the golden age of music. It's unfortunate there were not as many Christian artists during that era... Keith Green, Petra, and Phil Keaggy are the only real Christian rock names I can think of that were birthed and thrived in that time-frame.
One last thing to note: I sometimes like using big words. It started out as an effort to sound smarter, but when I realized that one less-known word in the place of a multiple common words is easier on the tongue and can actually get my point across in a more accurate manner.
Okay it's time to stop boring you!!! Props to anyone that reads this entire post!!!


  1. Do I get props? Cuz I read the whole thing! LOL! Welcome to the blogging world!

    And I agree...Chronicles of Narnia are awesome...or is that "b"awesome!?! I thought the last book was hard to read just because I was really sick at that point, but maybe it wasn't the sickness after

  2. Hello Colin!! Welcome to blog-world!! :)
    So how are you feeling after being on the floor for most of your volley ball game?!! I am the kind of person who does NOT dive for the ball!!LOL!

    Oh btw, I think you and Micah should help Jake put the new stairs on their trailer tonight! Being the able bodied chaps that you are and with Jake's help you could get it done in no time!! I know Rachel would love it and I heard she made a carrot cake a couple days ago! There might be some left!! :)

  3. enjoyed and appreciate the thoughts. your a thinker of thinkers and i hope you continue to share. blog on brother. jim

  4. Whoo-hoo! I did it . Pant, pant. got through the whole post. it was worth it for that last paragraph. I like big words, too. Or, should I say, expansive words bequeath immense pleasure to my person.
