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Friday, November 6, 2009

The Best Time of the Year

I haven't been feeling very inspired lately... But I do feel the need to write why I love fall so much. It is, after all, the best time of the year.

-The Smells-

The smell of decaying leaves on the ground. The golden, ruby, emerald, and every-color-in-between leaf carpet has a distinct smell that speaks of fertilizing the ground in a cycle begun by the magnificent Creator.

The smell of woodsmoke in the air. This smell promises the weary traveler warmth and comfort. It is the welcoming smell that warms the heart before warming the body.

The smell of Home. Home never smells as good as it does in the fall. Whether produced by an apple or pumpkin pie in the oven, or a simple candle burning on a livingroom coffee table, Home always smells the best in autumn.

-The Sights-

The leaves. Again, the leaves are the forerunners of fall spirit. No retail store can be entered without seeing decorations, napkins, greeting cards, or any other novelty that has multi-colored leaves on them. However, the true beauty is not in any store. It is found in the rare moments when the setting sun catches a blazing tree and dazzles our eyes, captivating every other sense.

The people. People in the fall usually like to wear sweaters. I like sweaters. I love being able to comfortably wear a sweater on a breezy, cool day. Other peolpe, too, seem to enjoy the same thing.

The trees. After all the leaves are gone, the trees silhouetted against a darkening sky somehow is breathtaking for me. I like it even more when a harvest moon rises behind a branchy tree.

-The Tastes-

Apple pie. Apple pie is one of the best autumn-time treats. With a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and a spoon of whipped cream, it is by far one of the top "fall of famers" when it comes to seasonal foods.

Pumpkin pie. One of my personal favorites, when done right. Accompanied by whipped cream, it tastes like home on a plate.

Turkey. Fall just isn't fall without a good ol' Thanksgiving turkey. I like the white meat, maybe you like the dark. There's a piece of the turkey for everyone!

Cranberry sauce. A simple yet flavorful member of the Thanksgiving table. It has a well-balanced amount of tartness and sweetness. Dinner is made complete with a dish of cranberry sauce.

God is amazing. Through every season, He is creative. Spring, summer, and winter all have their uniquities that make them special. Fall, however, seems to be God's favorite season, too. After all, He made it the most beautiful.


  1. I could almost smell and taste the stuff you were describing...Let's just say this post made me very hungry for a piece of apple pie. ;)

  2. Wow, Colin! I didn't know that you made pumpkin and apple pie!!lol. I love fall too. I think of it as a very cozy time of the year!

  3. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but you only used 448 words and painted so many great pictures and captured the feel of the season perfectly.

  4. :) Thank you all so much for the encouragement. Lol Abbey I don't make pies myself... But I sure know how to enjoy a piece!! And Elise, ya gotta try one of my mom's slices of apple pie. It's my grandmother's recipe, and my mom took a blue ribbon with it one year at some pie contest thingy. Thanks Jeremy for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I didn't even know how many words there were. It's pretty cool that you would take the time to count them all. :D

  5. I think I can say that I like everything that you like about fall. Especially sweaters. Sweaters are terrific!

  6. I'm with you and Traci on the fall sweaters thing... and I always love the leaves...first colorful then crunchy... Thank you for summing up my favorite season beautifully :)
