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Friday, October 16, 2009

Time... This time not in a bottle!!

Remember my blog about time in a bottle and Jim Croce? Well this blog is about another secular artist's view of time. Pink Floyd's song "Time" focuses on time being a valuable thing. The lyrics are sung: "Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day/ you fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way/ kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown/ waiting for something or someone to show you the way.... And like I said before, if you are interested enough in the rest of the lyrics, there are plenty of places online you can find them.

I don't want to get stuck preaching about time and how valuable it is all the time. But of all the things God has gifted us with, time is one of the most precious. Why? For starters, once used, time can never be reclaimed. It's like soft clay, as soon as we make our mark on time, it's there for eternity. Nothing we do now can change what we have done. Another reason time is valuable is that we never truly know how much we have. I could walk outside tomorrow and be bitten by a rabid squirrel. On my way to the hospital to get a rabies shot, I could get a flat tire. And while fixing that tire, a rattlesnake could bite me. And when the ambulance comes to pick me up off the side of the road, its brakes might fail. And as it swerves to miss me, it may strike a telephone pole. And though the pole may miss me by a couple feet, I will still be electrocuted by the flailing power lines. Hopefully by this point, my heavenly Father will have called me home! I'm not trying to make light of our situation. The chances of those things happening are extremely slim, but the point is there are many things that we do not expect that could cost us our life at any moment. "Redeeming the time for the days are evil." Take the time to read Ecclesiastes. It follows Proverbs and precedes Song of Solomon. The entire book seems to be devoted to making the most of the time we have.

Now, please don't be scared of rabid squirrels or failing brakes. The point of this is not to scare you away from life, but to remind you that life is short, time is precious. One line in one of Petra's songs says "Hurry up and wait upon the Lord." If we are waiting on the Lord and His direction, our time will not be spent on nothing. He will lead us to where we can glorify Him most. So be not afraid, be of good cheer, and redeem the time!!!


  1. Great post Colin! Time is certainly a huge gift and isn't meant to be wasted! Thanks for the encouragement to stay on the right path!
